The Law Firm Of Myrna Serrano Setty, P.A
The Law Firm Of Myrna Serrano Setty, P.A

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(813) 686-7175

Tampa Estate Planning Lawyer Myrna Serrano Setty

Comprehensive Estate Planning Services For Individuals In Tampa, FL

Myrna Serrano Setty is your go-to estate planning lawyer in Tampa, known for her knowledge in estate planning and probate matters. She's got what it takes for comprehensive tax planning and asset protection, helping folks and owners of small businesses in Tampa, FL, and beyond. Her experience shines when drafting wills, trusts, and other vital documents. Plus, she's got a handle on forming business entities, negotiating deals, planning for your business's future, and sorting out tax disputes.

As an experienced attorney for estate planning services, Myrna's got a solid grip on the fine points of tax-saving strategies, especially for those with large estates and significant assets. Her legal research is top-notch, letting her put together all sorts of legal papers, from wills to dynasty trusts, and represent clients in front of tax authorities to cut down their tax bills. So, if you're getting around to planning for the future, Myrna's the best local attorney to turn to for clever advice and staunch legal support.

Thinking ahead about the future can get emotional and overwhelming, but a smart estate plan can smooth things out. It's like a guide for your care if you can't make decisions yourself, and it keeps family squabbles at bay when you're gone. With tools ranging from powers of attorney to buy-sell agreements, wills, and trusts, there's a lot to consider. Myrna Serrano Setty is the estate planning pro you need to figure out the best route for your unique wishes and needs.


Call Now to Schedule Your Free 15 Minute Discovery Call | (813) 686-7175

Wills And Trusts

Estate Planning Lawyer, Tampa, FL

Let's talk about wills and trusts because, honestly, everyone should have an estate plan, no matter their age. An attorney like Myrna can tailor your plan with a mix of these tools, ensuring your personal touch is all over it. A will is your voice after you're gone, laying out who gets what, who's in charge, and who'll look after your kids. Florida has rules for wills to be valid and legitimate, and Myrna ensures yours is up to snuff.

Trusts are a bit different. They're about relationships—between the person setting up the trust, the one managing it, and the lucky folks who benefit from it. Trusts can dodge taxes, shield your assets, and manage money for families who might not be up to it. Florida's got a trust for every situation, and Myrna's the wizard you need to pick and set up the perfect one.


Probate can be tricky. It's the official way your assets get passed on through your will or, if you don't have one, through Florida's rules. It's all out in the open in probate court, and it involves paying off debts and ensuring your property goes to the right people. Because it's so complex, it's wise to have a Tampa probate attorney like Myrna guide you through.

Call Now to Schedule Your Free 15 Minute Discovery Call | (813) 686-7175

Powers Of Attorney

Estate Planning Lawyer, Tampa, FL Estate planning isn't just about what happens after you're gone. It's also about taking care of yourself when you're older and ensuring you're comfy and your stuff is looked after if you can't do it yourself. That's where things like powers of attorney and health care surrogates come in. They're like your stand-ins if you can't make decisions. Myrna can help you pick the right person for the job and get all the paperwork in order.

Planning For Taxes

If you're a business owner, your company is your biggest asset. Proper planning keeps the taxman at bay and avoids having to sell off parts of your empire, maybe even the business itself. Myrna can set you up with a family limited partnership to keep the tax low and ensure your business stays in the family when you retire or pass away. She's also skilled at buy-sell agreements and everything else you need to keep your business smooth sailing, no matter what life throws at you.

Let's not forget about taxes. Taxes are a significant part of estate planning, and the rules can throw you for a loop. Even if the estate tax doesn't worry you, there are other taxes to consider. Myrna's a professional estate planning attorney who can use wills, trusts, and more to keep your tax bill as low as possible.

Haven't started on your estate plan yet? It's time to get on it. Reach out to Myrna Serrano Setty for a free first chat and start planning the right way.

Office Location

(By Appointment Only)
15310 Amberly Drive
Suite 250
Tampa, FL 33647

Phone: (813) 686-7175

Fax: (813) 501-1405

Business Hours are 9:00AM to 4:00PM

Mailing Address

Myrna Serrano Setty, P.A.
PO Box 145
Lutz, FL 33548

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Call Now to Schedule Your Free 15 Minute Discovery Call | (813) 686-7175

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